Obertrum am See
Obertrum am See is located about 14 kilometers at the north of the city of Salzburg, the capital of the eponymous sports- and culture-state Salzburg. Please take the exit "Salzburg Nord" when arriving via the A1 (motorway) - as this exit is the fastest way from the eastern part of Austria (following the A1), from the South (following the A10 and then the A1) and from the West, e.g. from Bavaria (following the A8 and then the A1).
After the exit, follow the state road in the direction of "Trumer Seen / Obertrum" - after about 15 minutes by car you will reach Obertrum am See.
When you reach the place, the signs on the road will guide you to the closest parking areas, from where you can walk to the start/finish area, as well as to the transition zone easily.
Kindy use this Google-Maps-Link for your arrival.
The following athlete parking spaces are available:
- Municipal office
- Field next to lido (in case of sunny weather)
- €7 per vehicle per day for parking and entrance to the lido for 1 person
- €3 per additional person for entrance to the lido
- Lido (in case of bad weather)
- €7 per vehicle per day for parking
- Landesberufsschule
- Hofer (only Sunday and only part of the parking area)
- Billa (Sunday only)
For visitors, we recommend parking in the commercial area or traveling by public transport.
- from Salzburg bus line 120 or 121
- from Eugendorf bus line 131
- from Seeham bus number 121 or 131
- from Mattsee bus line 121
During the competitions (road closure) please use the Lindenhofsiedlung (coming from Salzburg/Eugendorf) or Staffl (from Seeham) stops. The buses run normally, only the town center is not accessible during the competitions.